Plattsburgh, NY Facility



Our Facility is Plattsburgh NY is where Zafra launched its first Hosting Facility. We started this facility in January 2018. With the moratorium that happened in Plattsburgh in March of 2018, it halted our expansion plans and left us stuck with the 250kWs we built out. In this facility we showcase our BitBox which is a All-In-One indoor mining solution that simplifies buildouts inside buildings, and has the ability to recapture the waste heat output from servers or miners that can be reutilized to heat a building, or other uses.

Since the moratorium has been lifted in February 2019, we are currently working on expanding and building out 3 new facilities in Plattsburgh, ranging in size but totaling 10MWs of power spread across all three. Hosting is currently available and more plugs are on the way!